lcsHUD Case Study



The League of Legends eSports League has gone through numerous distinct broadcast styles, each with the common goal of providing the audience with an enjoyable experience. That experience is fulfilled by providing information that’s quick and easy to find and comprehend, visually engaging to bring the viewer closer to the game, and an experience that is second to none.

While many of these various scoreboards successfully communicate large amounts of information for the complex game and implement clean and attractive displays, many find the total real estate the HUD along with the scattered sections of info takes away from their viewing experience and makes the sport visually off-putting for more unfamiliar viewers.

My goal with this project is to find a way to reduce the total footprint of the scoreboard without sacrificing any information along with creating a more uniform and quickly understandable HUD.



A 10 episode limited series; Follows a young adult and his journey through Detroit as he becomes conflicted with his newly gained abilities. Growing up in poverty and having faced struggle everyday up to this point, the newfound abilities grant him a new set of opportunities and consequences. Desperately wanting to get himself and his people out of their struggles, he struggles with finding the line he’s willing to cross and he must choose between crime and heroism. 

"Everything isn't always BLACK&WHITE"



A 10 episode limited series; Follows a young adult and his journey through Detroit as he becomes conflicted with his newly gained abilities. Growing up in poverty and having faced struggle everyday up to this point, the newfound abilities grant him a new set of opportunities and consequences. Desperately wanting to get himself and his people out of their struggles, he struggles with finding the line he’s willing to cross and he must choose between crime and heroism. 

"Everything isn't always BLACK&WHITE"