With the recent growth, advancement, and increased accessibility of AI technology, the fear of security issues and false information has risen as well. More specifically, deepfakes, which allow computers to map faces onto others in videos and other digital images.
Alongside my teammate we worked together to create an experience that combines physical and digital mediums to communicate the rising issue to a broader audience.
A 10 episode limited series; Follows a young adult and his journey through Detroit as he becomes conflicted with his newly gained abilities. Growing up in poverty and having faced struggle everyday up to this point, the newfound abilities grant him a new set of opportunities and consequences. Desperately wanting to get himself and his people out of their struggles, he struggles with finding the line he’s willing to cross and he must choose between crime and heroism.
"Everything isn't always BLACK&WHITE"
A 10 episode limited series; Follows a young adult and his journey through Detroit as he becomes conflicted with his newly gained abilities. Growing up in poverty and having faced struggle everyday up to this point, the newfound abilities grant him a new set of opportunities and consequences. Desperately wanting to get himself and his people out of their struggles, he struggles with finding the line he’s willing to cross and he must choose between crime and heroism.
"Everything isn't always BLACK&WHITE"
Our goal was to inform, warn, and create a sense of urgency in relation to AI and deepfake technology. With the many nuances and technical aspects, AI and deepfake technology are topics that tend to be mostly unknown to the average person. As a result we determined it would be best to relate the topics to more recognized themes.
My responsibilities between the two of us include creating and building the physical set. This part of the process proved to be a challenge and a test of patience as the complex and demanding setup of 6 total screens/projectors across 2 laptops would come in various problems and issues to be troubleshooted.
The experience we created intended to show how deepfakes can have a negative security effect by using a familiar format, FaceID. However, we found through prototyping and user-testing that further context was needed. In order to strengthen the message, we went back to the ideating phase and re-evaluated the way we communicated the message. Using well-known themes like SpongeBob helped us to relay our message in a relatable and more-understandable way.